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Université de Strasbourg, ECPM
25, rue Becquerel
67087 Strasbourg Cedex 2
Frédéric Leroux
- Without access card and vehicle entrance: 23, rue du Loess, 67200 Strasbourg Cronenbourg
- With access card: 25, rue Becquerel, 67200 Strasbourg Cronenbourg (From 7:30 to 9:30 am & 5:00 to 7:00 pm)
From the railway station (15 min)
- Take Bus G towards Espace Européen de l’Entreprise and stop at Arago
- At Arago, walk down the street and get to the CNRS campus either through 25, rue Becquerel or 23, Rue du Loess.
- Walk across the campus and follow direction signs to the School (ECPM)
From airport ‘Strasbourg – Entzheim’ (60 min)
- Take the airport train shuttle Aéroport -Strasbourg
- At Strasbourg train station, take Bus G towards Espace Européen de l’Entreprise and stop at Arago
- At Arago, walk down the street and get to the CNRS campus either through 25, rue Becquerel or 23, Rue du Loess.
- Walk across the campus and follow direction signs to the School (ECPM)
By car
- A35 Highway, Enter into Strasbourg
- Exit at the junction no 1 (WACKEN, CRONENBOURG, PLACE DES HALLES) and carry on the Rue du Marché Gare [640m]
- Turn right on the Route de Mittelhausbergen (D31) [1.86km]
- Turn right on the Rue du Champ de Manoeuvre [280m]
- Turn left on the Place de Haldenbourg [110m]
- Carry on the Rue du Loess [47m]
- 23 Rue du Loess Strasbourg, Alsace (67200, France)
- Drive across the Campus and follow direction signs to the School (ECPM)
Open positions
Always looking for highly motivated students to join the group
If you are looking for M2 internships, PhD or postdoc fellowships don’t hesitate to send spontaneous applications.
Applications should be addressed by email to Dr Frédéric Leroux (frederic.leroux@unistra.fr) including a CV, a copy of transcripts, a cover letter stating qualifications, motivation and research interests, and the contact of at least 2 referees. Potential candidates are encouraged to request more information about available positions. Application of candidates to national or international grants is very welcomed.
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