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D. Augros, C. Comoy, Y. Fort, F. Leroux, A. Panossian
A. J. Fernandes, A. Panossian, B. Michelet, A. Martin-Mingot, F. R. Leroux, S. Thibaudeau
Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 3139-3147
J. Saiter, T. Guérin, M. Donnard, A. Panossian, G. Hanquet, F. R. Leroux
CrystEngCom 2021, 23, 4799-815
2D & 3D silver-based coordination polymers with thiomorpholine-4-carbonitrile and piperazine-1,4-dicarbonitrile: structure, intermolecular interactions, photocatalysis, and thermal behavior
P. Ristić, N. Filipović, V. Blagojević, J. Ćirković, B. Barta Holló, V. Đokić, M. Donnard, M. Gulea, I. Marjanović, O. R. Klisurić, T. R. Todorović
Practical Synthesis and Application of Halogen-Doped Pyrrole Building Blocks
A. E. Cotman, T. Guerin, I. Kovacevic, D. Benedetto Tiz, M. Durcik, F. Fulgheri, S. Mozina, D. Secci, M. Sterle, J. Ilas, A. Zega, N. Zidar, L. P. Masic, T. Tomasic, F. R. Leroux, G. Hanquet, D. Kikelj
Formation of synthetically relevant CF3-substituted phenonium ion in superacid media
A. J. Fernandes, B. Michelet, A. Panossian, A. Martin-Mingot, F. R. Leroux, S. Thibaudeau
Aryl fluoroalkyl sulfoxides: optical stability and pKa measurement
A. Messara, N. Vanthuyne, P. Diter, M Elhabiri, A Panossian, G. Hanquet, E. Magnier, F. R. Leroux
Electrophilic fluorosulfoxonium cations as hidden Brønsted acid catalysts in (n + 2) annulations of strained cycloalkanesfluoroalkyl
A. Manel, J. Berreur, F. R. Leroux, A. Panossian
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