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The group COHA (“Chimie Organique et Hétérochimie Appliquées”, standing for “Applied Organic Chemistry and Heterochemistry”) is part of the UMR CNRS 7042 (“Laboratoire d’Innovation Moléculaire & Applications”).
The philosophy of the group is to develop new synthetic tools in organic chemistry for applications in both public research and industry. The COHA group focuses on 4 main research axes: Heterochemistry, Synthetic methods and catalysisControl of chirality and Sustainable methods. Our projects can be linked to one or more of the 4 research axes and can be applied in total synthesis of complex natural products or the synthesis of functionalized building-blocks for material sciences.
In this axis, we synthesize fluorinated building blocks for pharmaceutical and agrochemical applications, nitrogen- and silicon-based heterocycles, phosphorus-, sulfur-, silicon- and boron-based building blocks or reactive species for synthesis or catalysis.
Synthetic methods and catalysis
We focus our efforts on new synthetic tools for organic chemists based on polar organometallics, transition metal catalysts, main group non-metal catalysts, cascade reactions, etc.
Control of chirality
The control of stereochemistry is at the heart of most of our projects, especially central and axial chirality.
Sustainable methods
Based on our experience in synthetic organic chemistry and having at heart applications on both laboratory and industrial scales, we focus our efforts in the development of efficient and sustainable syntheses of valuable building blocks or small molecules. We employ abundant metal catalysts or non-metal catalysts, domino processes, continuous flow conditions when advantageous, as well as (re)modernized modes of activation such as photochemistry or electrochemistry.
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